A Conversation With Steve Morris, Coach and Author of “What Size Balls Do I Need?”

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  • This week, we are happy to welcome Dr. Sarah Schnitker to The Hamilton Review Podcast! Dr. Schnitker discusses the science of virtues and how we can cultivate character strength in young people. Enjoy this important conversation! Dr. Sarah Schnitker is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She holds a Ph.D. and an[...]

A Conversation With Steve Morris, Coach and Author of “What Size Balls Do I Need?”

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  • This week, we are happy to welcome Dr. Sarah Schnitker to The Hamilton Review Podcast! Dr. Schnitker discusses the science of virtues and how we can cultivate character strength in young people. Enjoy this important conversation! Dr. Sarah Schnitker is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She holds a Ph.D. and an[...]

In this episode, Dr. Bob has an important conversation with author and coach Steve Morris about the crazy and competitive world of youth sports. Coach Steve talks about his book, “What Size Balls Do I Need?” and gives parents permission to relax and focus on the fun within the “ten year window” of their kids’ participation in sports. Steve tackles crucial topics like:

– How to recognize a toxic coach and the steps to take to protect your child – Why “potential” and “expectation ” are the two dirtiest words in youth sports

Packed with lively humor and helpful advice, parents will not want to miss this discussion!

Steve Morris took a circuitous path to discover his life’s mission. He studied history at Yale, produced television commercials around the world, and continues to write screenplays that adorn his shelf.

It came down to his energetic four-year-old wanting to play soccer for Steve to become the living, breathing embodiment of falling into something you love. With a bag of balls, dim muscle memory from playing in high school, and a cache of how-to books, he brought his son, Evan, and a dozen of his friends out to the wilds of their local southern California park, where together they dipped a toe into the wonderful world of youth sports. It wasn’t long before he was coaching every sport Evan and his siblings, Dori and Griffie, wanted to play.

Over time it became clear that the playing field was leaning more toward the competition of travel teams and club sports, leaving development and recreational fun behind. In an effort to right this imbalance, Coach Steve was born, and in 1997, Coast Sports was founded. What twenty-three years ago began as an excuse for father-son bonding became a thriving business with the dual goals of recalibrating the fun-competition quotient for the kids, and assuring their parents that this was a healthier and more sustainable model for everyone’s happiness and success.

Coach Steve encourages parents to enjoy their kids’ brief 10-year window in youth sports, a goal best accomplished by dialing down the pressure and tempering their expectations. Only a fraction of high school athletes play sports at the college level, and far fewer go on to play professionally. The most dynamic statistic is the number of life-long friendships created among teammates.

How to contact Steve Morris:

Website: https://www.whatsizeballs.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachstevela/

How to contact Dr. Bob: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChztMVtPCLJkiXvv7H5tpDQ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drroberthamilton/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.hamilton.1656 Seven Secrets Of The Newborn website: https://7secretsofthenewborn.com/ Website: https://roberthamiltonmd.com/ Pacific Ocean Pediatrics: http://www.pacificoceanpediatrics.com/


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