Serving Teens and Middle Schoolers with Markel Croston, Student Pastor at Calvary Church, Pacific Palisades

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  • Sarah Siebold is the owner of IMMA, a lactation consulting practice that offers comprehensive infant feeding support for all families. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, studied Human Lactation at UC San Diego, and completed her clinical training at Kaiser Permanente’s Baldwin Park lactation clinic and with a private practice preceptor. She is[...]

Serving Teens and Middle Schoolers with Markel Croston, Student Pastor at Calvary Church, Pacific Palisades

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  • Sarah Siebold is the owner of IMMA, a lactation consulting practice that offers comprehensive infant feeding support for all families. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, studied Human Lactation at UC San Diego, and completed her clinical training at Kaiser Permanente’s Baldwin Park lactation clinic and with a private practice preceptor. She is[...]

Join us for the latest episode of The Hamilton Review Podcast! In this conversation, Dr. Bob has an enlightening and moving conversation with Markel Croston, Student Pastor at Calvary Church, Pacific Palisades. 

Markel shares his life story of growing up in Columbus, Ohio. Born to a teenage mother and growing up in poverty, Markel was fortunate to have a couple of influential women in his childhood that led him to a life of growing up in the church. Just as he was going down the wrong path in high school in college, God stepped in and forced Markel to make some pivotal decisions that changed his life forever. 

Friends, this is a must listen episode that you will not want to miss!

Markel Croston currently serves as the Student Pastor at Calvary Church in Pacific Palisades, CA. Prior to becoming Student Pastor in 2020, he led a high school ministry in Seattle, WA for three years. He is happily married for 5 years to Brittany and collectively they have a passion for working with teenagers as they try to navigate faith, life, and relationships. 

How to contact Markel Croston:

Calvary Church Pacific Palisades

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