Timothy Carney: Author of “Family Unfriendly”

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  • Sarah Siebold is the owner of IMMA, a lactation consulting practice that offers comprehensive infant feeding support for all families. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, studied Human Lactation at UC San Diego, and completed her clinical training at Kaiser Permanente’s Baldwin Park lactation clinic and with a private practice preceptor. She is[...]

Timothy Carney: Author of “Family Unfriendly”

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  • Sarah Siebold is the owner of IMMA, a lactation consulting practice that offers comprehensive infant feeding support for all families. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, studied Human Lactation at UC San Diego, and completed her clinical training at Kaiser Permanente’s Baldwin Park lactation clinic and with a private practice preceptor. She is[...]

This week, it is our pleasure to welcome author Tim Carney to The Hamilton Review Podcast! Tim Carney is an award-winning author, journalist, scholar, and speaker. He has covered culture and politics for nearly 25 years, has written four books, has spoken in cities around the U.S. (and even overseas), and has published thousands of columns and magazine articles. From electoral politics, lobbying, and crony capitalism, to culture, faith, and family, Tim’s work explores and explains a broad swath of the American landscape. 

In this conversation, Tim discusses his new book, “Family Unfriendly.” 

Our culture tells parents there’s one best way to raise kids: enroll them in a dozen activities, protect them from trauma, and get them into the most expensive college you can. If you can’t do that, don’t bother.

How is that going? Record rates of anxiety, depression, medication, debts, loneliness and more. In Family Unfriendly, bestselling author and Washington Examiner columnist Timothy P. Carney says it’s time to end this failed experiment in overparenting.

Have more kids, have more fun, cancel the travel soccer games, let your kids wander off, and give them deeper sources of meaning than material success. 

This is an old-fashioned view, but every day the evidence validates it. Drawing on rigorous research—both as a reporter and as a dad of six—Carney demonstrates why modern parenting is so misguided. The high standards set for modern American parenting are unrealistic and setting parents—and our kids—up to fail.

Don’t miss this important conversation!

Tim Carney is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, the senior columnist for the Washington Examiner, and the author of four books, most recently Alienated America and the forthcoming Family Unfriendly. He has written in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Atlantic, National Review, and many other newspapers and magazines. Tim has appeared on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, CNBC, and PBS Newshour. Tim and his wife Katie raise six children in the Washington, D.C., area.


How to contact Timothy Carney:

Timothy Carney Official Website



How to contact Dr. Bob:

Dr. Bob on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChztMVtPCLJkiXvv7H5tpDQ

Dr. Bob on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drroberthamilton/

Dr. Bob on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.hamilton.1656

Dr. Bob’s Seven Secrets Of The Newborn website: https://7secretsofthenewborn.com/

Dr. Bob’s website: https://roberthamiltonmd.com/

Pacific Ocean Pediatrics: http://www.pacificoceanpediatrics.com/



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