A Conversation With Karyn McLaughlin Frist, author of “But I Washed My Hands” and “Love U, Daddy Boy.”

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  • This week, we are happy to welcome Dr. Sarah Schnitker to The Hamilton Review Podcast! Dr. Schnitker discusses the science of virtues and how we can cultivate character strength in young people. Enjoy this important conversation! Dr. Sarah Schnitker is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She holds a Ph.D. and an[...]

A Conversation With Karyn McLaughlin Frist, author of “But I Washed My Hands” and “Love U, Daddy Boy.”

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  • This week, we are happy to welcome Dr. Sarah Schnitker to The Hamilton Review Podcast! Dr. Schnitker discusses the science of virtues and how we can cultivate character strength in young people. Enjoy this important conversation! Dr. Sarah Schnitker is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She holds a Ph.D. and an[...]

Karyn McLaughlin Frist (KK) wrote her first book, LOVE U, DADDY BOY in 2006 . It is a collection of stories written by women who love their fathers. BUT I WASHED MY HANDS was written to raise money for the Tennessee tornado relief fund. The subject of washing hands was a result of one of her grandson’s teachers, who inspired his class to sing while washing their hands and the result of the COVID-19 spread. She has 3 sons, 3 daughter in laws and will soon have 9 grandchildren. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Karyn is an avid golfer and gardener and enjoys entertaining her family and friends. In this episode Karyn and Dr. Bob talk about the two books she has written, including her inspiration for writing “But I Washed My Hands.” Proceeds of the books will be donated to the Middle Tennessee Community Foundation for Tornado Relief and to COVID-19. You can follow her on https://butiwashedmyhands.com/ and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/but_i_washed_my_hands/

About the illustrator: Tricia Lowenfield (YaYa) is an artist/designer whose style is best known as whimsical European folk art . She is married to an Anglican Bishop and has 3 grown daughters, 2 son in laws and 3 little granddaughters. She has written and illustrated 5 children’s books . Tricia lives in Houston, Texas. Her work can be found at https://www.etsy.com/shop/tricialowenfield/ and you can follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tricialowenfielddesign/

How to contact Dr. Bob: Dr. Bob on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChztMVtPCLJkiXvv7H5tpDQ Dr. Bob on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drroberthamilton/ Dr. Bob on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.hamilton.1656 Dr. Bob’s Seven Secrets Of The Newborn website: https://7secretsofthenewborn.com/ Dr. Bob’s website: https://roberthamiltonmd.com/ Pacific Ocean Pediatrics: http://www.pacificoceanpediatrics.com/


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